Deschutes County 4 Wheelers' club was formed in 1976
as a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation,
promotion and expansion of four-wheeling opportunities
in Central Oregon and beyond.
This fores sercvice closure will affect most of you who operate a motorized vehicle.
The new setaside is greater than a million acres that will not allow access to managing
the forest for wilefire, forest fires, harvessting of treees,mining, tree disease, insect infestations,
roads will be removed, etc. This meeting is being put on by a well oiled salesman that does not
care about how the forests are currently being used by the Americans. It is entirely created to remove
humans and let it butn - let it burn. If you can attend the meeing in Sisters plaease attend
and speak against this if possible.
Information on the club
Click here for the
"Club Packet"
Interested folks are
welcome to come to a meeting.
We post here on the website and
on Facebook.
Know before you go!
Navigators are considered essential.
Please update your Avenza
and or bring a hard copy of the
Motorized Vehicle Use Maps.

Rim Butte OHV Area for Class II
We are pretty proud of Rim Butte our newest
Trail Build. Click on one of these links for info:
RimButteOHV (Facebook)
Coalition for
Recreational Trails Annual Achievment Award 2018:
Enhancement of Federal Lands
Rim Butte OHV Area